Perfect Morning Coffee – PMC

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My Perfect Morning Cappuccino, or is it a Latte?

Several years ago, while traveling on business to Las Vegas, I was invited to an American Express Lounge at McCarran International Airport.  They had this huge DIY coffee machine.  I pushed some buttons and the result started me on a two year quest to duplicate it.   The way the espresso, milk foam, and just the right sweetness versus coffee combined for flavor, texture, and temperature made me never able to enjoy just a cup of coffee again. 

I was raised on good strong coffee with a lot of milk and sugar every morning.  So I was always on the bold side of the aisle.  In my search for duplication of the now dubbed, Perfect Morning Coffee (PMC), I went to all the usual places and they sometimes came close to it, but not exact.  I did learn that I am an espresso fan. Must be in my bloodline, as I inherited a large collection of demitasse cups from my grandmother.

In my Quest, I found a fantastic Italian Restaurant in Mesa, AZ.  Vitos, has this huge Espresso machine which produced a pretty amazing PMC, but had steamed milk along with the froth.  Rosie does not have the space for this $20,000 machine, otherwise I would buy it.  Yeah, right, just kidding.  Although we could travel around selling cappuccinos.  Hmmmm…

Next, my search took me to a cookware store where I first tasted Illy brand coffees.  OMG!  Ding Ding Ding!  Winner!!!!  However, the brewers they were selling were way over my budget.

I also tested the Nespresso VertuoPlus machines and sampled their espresso. I now understand why George Clooney and Danny Devito let us know every holiday season why they only drink Nespresso. It came with a stand-alone electric milk frother and uses Nespresso brand pods.   A starter pack of all the Nespresso pods is included so you can taste and then order the type you prefer.  Although they are mostly in the $100 + range, there are some deals to be found from time to time.  Plus, there is literally no work involved which is great when you’re rushing in the morning. The frother has a lid so any leftover can be popped in the fridge for an afternoon coffee break!

However, I still wasn’t 100% duplicating what I had in the American Express lounge.  The pods aren’t cheap, although far less than what people spend at their favorite drive thru daily.  I returned the Nespresso, but my Bestie still loves hers and you might too, so I’ve including the link.

Year two of my quest for my PMC.  Seriously?  Yes.  I’m telling you, that PMC back in Vegas made a life changing impression on me! 

Thankfully a work anniversary came up for me and I thought, WOW, what just happened to 20 Years?  The good news was I got to order a gift for myself, from a catalog, that my company so thoughtfully sent me. 

I chose a Mr. Coffee 4-Cup Espresso System.  While I waited for it to arrive, I had to find the perfect espresso grind coffee and remembered the Illy Brand that I had sampled at the kitchen store.  Picked up a can of that, which is called Intenso.  I now purchase by the case on Amazon.  I’ve never thrown an empty can away because the cans are beautiful.  I’m determined there is a craft project to be made with these cans. 

Mr. Coffee Espresso Machine arrives, I’ve got my Illy Coffee, I’ve got lactose free skim milk. It’s time to let my inner barista out.  Espresso is dispensing, the heavenly smell filling my kitchen.  Did I mention that my husband hates the smell of coffee?  But he loves me, and puts up with it. 

Next, I just have to put the milk in a cup, switch the machine to steam milk, raise my cup to the frothing arm…..and…. milk flies all over the counter, and what’s still in the cup is just ginormous bubbles that begin popping immediately.  No good.  I try again and imitate the swirling motion I have seen baristas use when steaming and frothing milk.  A little better.  At least it stays in the cup.  But as soon as I pour the espresso into it, it mostly becomes hot milk.  Bummer!  Researched some more. Fat free milk is not the best use with frothing arms. 

At least the first part of my search is complete.  An under $50 espresso maker ($40 right now!), and delicious Illy, which, get this, made the list of World’s Most Ethical Coffee for the 7th year, both boxes checked.  Now I can say that I drink coffee to make a difference in the world! LOL But what to do about the thick foamy milk I still crave..  I remembered the electric milk frother that had come with my Nespresso.  That’s what I need! 

The settle on the Capresso milk frother. It’s a bargain compared to the Nespresso brand and it can even make hot chocolate or cold frothed milk too.  Just pour in your choice of milk. They don’t all froth the same, so you will want to experiment.  For instance, the Lactaid brand of lactose free skim milk does not froth, but the store brands of the same does.  I like to add flavored creamer too.  International Coffees will froth well, but other brands sometimes don’t.  I’ve been told that the same holds true with the nut milks and creamers.  A little trial and error and you will find your PMC.

Mission Accomplished!  Under $100 for the equipment and Under $10 a can on Amazon for the world’s best and most ethical coffee! Here is how I time my Perfect Morning Coffee to start my day.  I start espresso brewing in my Mr Coffee Espresso System, when the carafe is about ½ full, I start the milk frothing.  While I wait, I can get lunch packed up or butter my toast (Perfect high protein cinnamon toast story soon).  The key is to get your frothed milk poured immediately after it stops spinning.  Then pour your brewed espresso on top. Stir lightly and enjoy!

There is debate as to whether what I am making is a sweetened cappuccino or a latte.  I don’t really dwell on that.  I just know I get to start every morning with my Perfect Morning Coffee, PMC.